This book is a powerful study of “self.” Does your mind sometimes work against you or even torment you? Do you get frantic at times and have a meltdown? Do you have a dogged determination to eliminate your fears and anxieties but don’t know where to start? Are certain things a crisis for you? From a twenty-year passionate journey observing and helping people from all walks of life, Aristides will help you make a quick transformation by applying the seven principles in his book.
"Success is a progression of doing good things consistently, over a period of time.” But, what is success? We have been given terrible "reference points" from our past, so how does it affect the decisions we make today, and for our future? How does our society negatively, and subconsciously, condition our minds? What damage do we bring to relationships? Do you truly know what a healthy relationship even looks like? Did someone you love ever tell you that you are not pretty enough, not smart enough or not good enough? How do you perceive yourself? The Reference Point
The Reference Point
Aristides Priakos holds public events with half-day, one day and two day workshops. These leadership events are designed to set a new course for your life and are packed with the "emotional tools" to help and inspire people to take action and improve many areas of their life.With audience participation, Ari tailors his message so it takes everyone on a fun-filled, yet very emotional journey. The day is filled with laughter, and maybe a few tears along the way, but there are plenty of lessons learned. From the patterns and habits on how we behave, the reference points we have with family, friends and our co-workers, you will discover a great deal about yourself and others. Click on the link to the right to see the outline of the training program.
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